Success Story

Resilient Mind

The Resilient Mind is a well established personal and organizational coaching company which helps people develop a clear understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, resources and values allowing them to perform and plan at their highest potential and respond and adapt to changes quickly. Evidence proves that in just minutes a day you can feel calmer and more connected, enhance creativity and problem solving, reduce stress and recover more quickly.

The Challenge

How to Scale A Business

Like any owner-operator business, Resilient Mind struggled with scaling the business. Most of the business came from individuals looking for help in tackling personal mental resilience challenges that were impacting their lives. This meant that the number of people that could be impacted was limited and obviously also restricted revenue growth.

The Results

Look beyond your current frame of reference

With MyBusinessRoadmap, The Resilient Mind was able to define a business model that targeted organizations rather than individuals. Working with HR departments they were able to develop organization-wide services which focused on both team and individual resilience. This included one on one and team engagements as well as email-based feel-good communication and task setting. Companies are realizing that in this era of remote working, having a mechanism to evaluate and improve the mental health of your employees is more important that ever.

Let's Go

Start Your Roadmap Today!

Understanding your route to maximizing your impact and value-add as well as revenue generation is vital. Choosing the right type of customer to engage with and the right path to that customer is the key component of success. To do this successfully, you need to sit back and create a roadmap that gets you there. Start your subscription to My Business Roadmap today and begin your journey.

Let's Go!

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Let's Go!

It's Time To Get On The Road

Don’t say to yourself, I’ll do it next week, after the summer vacation, after the holidays, when the cat dies… sign up and work on planning to create the business you dreamed of when you started.